The wrong approach – why some people fail to
enlarge their penises
By: Robert Taylor
The penis enlargement market is growing by the day as more and more men join the trend that’s slowly moving into the mainstream. Men worried about the size of their penises and men who are doing just fine, but want to gain a little extra length, are all starting on penis enlargement. But the question is: how many of them actually manage to successfully finish their enlargement programs? And what are the causes of failures reported by these men.
Well, the top reasons why men fail in their quest for bigger penises are boredom and lack of motivation. You have to realize that many men fail simply because they aren’t motivated enough. They are enthusiastic about starting their penis enlargement exercises, but lose interest after some time. Some don’t have the willpower to stick to the program and get depressed over the lack of results. Others are simply bored by everything that doesn’t provide results within five minutes. Still others decide that penis enlargement is too much trouble.
Another big issue, one that plagues committed penis enlargement customers, is the incorrect assessment of workout intensity. In time, some users find a certain performance pace in their workouts and fail to realize that workout intensity should increase over time. The intensity of a beginner’s workout is no longer suitable after two months of workouts. And at the opposite pole are the guys who rush straight into a high-intensity workout without going through the beginner phase. These people always manage to injure themselves by trying to cheat time and obtain results way ahead of schedule. Both these groups end up in the demotivation zone simply because they are out of sync with the proper workout schedule.
In a similar situation are those who aren’t aware that they should change their routines. As the body adapts to the exertion, heavily used exercises become less and less effective and should be replaced with new ones. There are plenty to choose from, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Keep in mind that once you’ve squeezed everything from an exercise, it’s time to move on to other routines. It’s the only way those inches will start adding.
Not paying proper attention to advice offered by penis enlargement experts is also a big problem. For instance, men who engage in penis enlargement exercises are told time and again that they should abstain from sex for two or three hours after finishing a workout session. The penis needs time to heal and rebuild broken tissues and further exertion is likely to interfere with this process. Still, some people refuse to follow this piece of advice. While I do understand that it’s a shame to waste a perfectly good hard-on, I also know that advice coming from experts should be heeded.
Not paying proper attention to exercise instructions is even worse of a problem. Although the exercises are fairly easy to follow, especially with a video demonstration attached, some people fail to get them right. This is the reason behind most of the injuries reported by penis enlargement users. People failing to perform exercises as shown or trying to improve on the design. There are also people who don’t know when to stop and think they can tank through the pain and make it on the other side through sheer willpower. Although a certain level of pain is normal during penis enlargement exercises, intense pain is a clear sign that you should stop whatever it is you’re doing and let your penis recover.
And the last issue on my list of mistakes is warming up and down. This is yet another thing that men are told they must do before and after workout sessions. Still, some men choose to skip this part of the program. Warming up and down is very important to preparing the tissues for the coming workout and for the healing and rebuilding process. Although some men can do without the warming up and down, most men should follow these procedures. It is in their best interest.
So there you have it. A list of common mistakes people make and which hinder their efforts to add those extra inches to their penises. Forewarned, you can avoid these pitfalls and keep on the path to safe and effective penis enlargement. Have fun and stay safe.
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